Mo & Terry Smedley


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Pam's 60th Birthday Celebration
Mt. Rainier - July 13-15, 2007

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On our way to dinner on Saturday night at the nearby Copper Creek Inn.     Pam wanted a picture of the balloons that had been put in the shower....but ended up hitting the faucet lever and getting an unexpected shower.
Greg is disposing of the Husky color balloons. Stephen looks out from the kitchen nook. We had intended to bake Pam a cake....but the oven door prevented us from doing that.  So she got a "cake kit" to take home. Noisemakers to celebrate Pam's birthday.
      Pam got a 60th birthday Italian charm bracelet.  Mo is explaining the significance of each of the charms.
  My job was to put the charms together into a bracelet.    
Steve also had a "necklace" of remembrances of some of his canine companions.   Dad & Steve toast the birthday. Movie night in the Lodge (Deja Vu with Denzel Washington).
A Sunday morning Rummikub game. Greg grabbed a few quiet moments by immersing himself in Solitaire. Steve claimed he couldn't make a play.....but he sure had a lot of tiles. Dad relaxing in the shade along Copper Creek.
Group portraits before we depart for home.      

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