Mo & Terry Smedley


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Pam's 60th Birthday Celebration
Mt. Rainier - July 13-15, 2007

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Me looking into the kitchen nook. Blackberry "soup" served up in enormous bowls    Pam, Greg, Steve and I enjoyed the hot tub before retiring Friday night.
      Pam and Steve made sandwiches for our Saturday trek into the Park.
Steve's original creation:  peanut butter and Cheez-It. Pam & Greg at the Nisqually River overlook.    
Looking up the Nisqually River.  This is one of the areas hit very hard by flooding last November. Captain Frost surveys the landscape. There was snow at Paradise.  
We came across this deer at Paradise. I don't care what the sign says....this IS the right way to get to the Visitor Center.  Follow me!    
  Mom & Dad in the Paradise Visitor's Center. Greg, Pam, and Steve examine the ozone monitor. Mt. Rainier from the observation deck.
Mo, Kathy, Steve and I enjoyed a short hike on the Nisqually Vista trail.      
      Saturday lunch in the Park at Narada Falls, between Paradise and Longmire.
Returning from the steep trail down to the falls.      

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