The Budd RDCs are lined up at
the Portland & Western "depot" in Linnton (Northwest
Portland) |
The Lewis & Clark Explorer |
The train rumbles beside the
Trojan nuclear plant |
The tracks run in the middle of
the street through Rainier. |
The bridge to Longview at
Rainier. |
Many crossings of small streams
and sloughs are made. |
The route takes you right
through the middle of GP's tissue mill at Wauna. |
Past Wauna, the roadbed is cut
right into the rock beside the river. |
Many remnants of past fishing
or other waterfront activity. |
Interesting structures dot the
sloughs. |
Portland & Western workers
man the manually-opened bridges between Wauna and Astoria. |
The Astoria Coast Guard
station. |
From town, we walked all the
way up to the Astoria Column. That's quite a hike! |
This was supposed to look like
the tower is growing out of Mo's head. |
The Astoria Column underwent a
thorough restoration several years ago. |
The artwork on the exterior of
the Column is exquisite. |
Terrific views from the top of
the Column, some 164 steps up. |
I wasn't all that thrilled with
the exposure at the top. |
There's an old JCPenney store
in downtown Astoria - it looks just like the JCP store I grew up with in
West Seattle |
An interesting Fish & Chips
"restaurant" |
What a magnificent sight - the
Budds lined up next to the Astoria station |
Two sets of tracks in town for
the train & the waterfront trolley. |
MP 99.8 on the Portland &
Western route |
Looking back up at the Astoria
Column from the waterfront. We found some interesting wine at the
Shallon Winery. |
Quite an urban renewal - these
are new houses built on the reclaimed site of the Astoria Plywood mill
pond. |
Plenty of evidence of fishing
on the inlets and rivers on the way home. Look carefully - you can
see a sunken boat in this picture. |
Good old BC-10 (the
"BC" has been taped over). This is my favorite place to
ride - the rhythm of the wheels is hypnotic, and the smell of the diesel
engine permeates the open space between the cars. |
Fertile agricultural
country between Astoria and Wauna. We passed corn fields that
extended unbroken for miles. |
Several mills still operating
along the route. |
These two girls led their
horses on a "train chase" for quite a distance. The
train was traveling about 35mph, and they had no difficulty keeping up. |
From Astoria's Shallon winery -
plum, peach, cranberry, and CHOCOLATE wine! |