Mo & Terry Smedley


horizontal rule

This is the second of two pages of pictures from our trip to San Antonio.  Click on the navigation links below to move to other pages.

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      Jason's family.
Argos thinks he's a lap dog!  Of course, I didn't discourage that thought. What a friendly guy (Argos, that is).   Kathy tends to Chica while Argos snoozes at her feet.
  Jason took us out to Sea World for a day of shows. Look carefully - there's about a dozen turtles all lined up on the log. Jason, Kathy, and I rode the "Steel Eeel".  Mo passed.  The sign says "150 foot drop, 65 MPH, maximum G-Force 3.5".   That's one wild ride!  Click here to see how the old folks did on the ride.
This was an unusual show - the human performers were in the water right along side the dolphins. Mo and Kathy enjoyed the winter sun. Hard not to feel conflicted about the Killer Whale performances.  Magnificent, intelligent creatures.  Having people see them probably increases awareness.   Still it's difficult to feel good about their captivity for our entertainment.  
Jason took us to Rudy's BBQ on the way home.  That's one kick-ass cowboy BBQ! Argos was happy to see us when we got home. The dogs were glad that Jason was home. Kathy, Mo, and I set out on our own to explore Mission San Jose, one of five missions built in the early 1700s along the San Antonio River.  Four of the missions are open for visiting today, and are still active parishes.
I was impressed with this "horizontal waterwheel", which looked a lot like a modern turbine design. This view shows the waterwheel (below) and the grindstone above for milling wheat.    
Mo is pointing out the tree filled with squirrels that Jacy would have enjoyed!    Mission San Jose.  

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