Our hotel in Chattanooga is the Holiday Inn ChooChoo,
which is in the old Chattanooga train station. |
The beautiful dome has been restored as the main
hotel lobby. This picture was "stitched" together out of eight
individual pictures to give an extreme wide-angle view both horizontally
and vertically. |
Outside is a (non-functional) 2-6-0 that is the
namesake of the old Chatttanooga ChooChoo song. |
There's a large model railroad (HO scale) exhibit at
the hotel. I took just a few pictures of some of the more detailed
scenery on the layout. |
It's "ChooChoo Time" at the hotel. |
We walked about 1.5 miles to the waterfront (on the
Tennessee River), and found that "cardboard sledding" down the steep
grass hill was a very popular activity. |
This is Rock City, a very popular (and historic)
tourist stop on Lookout Mountain above Chattanooga. |
This is looking down the upper falls from the stone
bride you can see in the picture to the left. The location of the
falls is natural, but the water flow has been significantly augmented
for effect. |
The brochures say you can see seven states from the
viewpoint. Perhaps on an exceptionally clear day with the help of
a spotting scope. |
Mo was trying to find all seven states. |
The ever-popular head poke sign. |
One of the narrow passageways. If you look
closely at the sign towards the top, you'll see the tight spot is named
"Fat Man Squeeze". |
Mo slipped through with no difficulty, but a little
claustrophobia. |
There's an underground "Fairyland" towards the end of
the trail through Rock City. You should be able to identify the
children's stories depicted. (Hint: how many bears are in
this picture?) |
There are several stories here. Check out the
cow flying over the moon. |
A boy in blue, a cow in cornstalks. |
To get down from Rock City and Lookout Mountain, we
took the Inclined Railroad. This is the steepest passenger railway
in the world, with a maximum grade of 72.7%. |
The railway is about one mile in length, and it takes
about 10 minutes to make the trip up or down. |
Here I am waiting for a car to come down the
mountain. |
The railway uses the usual two-car balanced operation
- one car goes up when the other goes down. There is a passing
track at the mid-way point. |
Our next stop was at Ruby Falls, site of an
impressive underground falls. But first, I enjoyed this Windows
error message parked on the overhead monitors at the entrance. If
you look closely, you can also see that 97 degrees is the expected high
temperature this day. |
After walking about 0.6 miles through a limestone
cave, you reach the falls, which have a drop of 145 feet. These
falls, unlike those at Rock City, are not enhanced with extra water
volume. |
You enter the cave through an elevator that takes you
down 260 feet. By the time you walk 0.6 miles back into the
mountain, you are 1120 feet below the surface of the mountain. |
You can get a better idea of the scale of the falls
in this picture which includes some people in silhouette. |
Our next stop on this very busy day was at the
Tennessee Valley Railroad for a fairly short trip on the Missionary
Ridge Local. Our car's segregated heritage has been
preserved - this was the white end.... |
....opposite the colored end. |
This sign describes this kind of segregated car,
commonly referred to as a "Jim Crow car". |
The train crew arranged a "run by" for our group.
Here you can see the photo line waiting for the train to come by. |
At East Chattanooga, the locomotive is turned on a
turntable for the return trip. The locomotive is driven onto the
turntable... |
...turned 180 degrees... |
...and driven off. |
We were scheduled to have steam power, but the steam
locomotive (off to the right) was in the shops for repairs this day. |
This is the interior of the busy Tennessee Valley
Railroad shops. Several locomotives can be seen in various states
of repair or rebuild. |
Boiler tubes inside a locomotive that is being
rebuilt by the TVRR. |
This rail line (and the tunnel through Missionary
Ridge) was hotly contested during the Civil War. Chattanooga was
(and still is) a major rail hub to and from points further South, and
controlling rail transportation into and out of Chattanooga was a key
part of the strategies of both Union and Confederate armies. |
Me at the Grand Junction station of the TVRR, where
we started and ended our rail trip today. |