Options for powering the H8 with a new backplane:
With no changes required to any other board in the system:
1) OEM linear supplies for both +8v and +/-18v
2) Non-OEM switched supplies that provide similar voltages to the OEM
Drop out for the linear regulators used on original cards (7805, 7812, or 7912)
is about 2v under load. So any supply that can provide at least 7v, or
+/-14v when loaded could be used. Note that these are absolute minimum
voltages - targeting for 8v and +/-15v would provide a much better operating
margin for linear on-board regulators. Power supplies should be capable of
sourcing up to 8A for the +8v supply, 500ma for +12v, and 150ma for -12v.
If on-board regulators have been replaced with switching devices, and modern
static memory is used, the current draw of even a fully loaded H8 is
considerably less: I measure about 2.5A for the +8v supply, 250ma for
+12v, and 50ma for -12v.
Substituting "step-up/step-down" regulators on each card to be used with
the backplane:
3) A PC-ATX power supply can provide the H8 backplane with +5v and
With step-up/step-down regulators installed on each board, you can use such a PC
power supply. The ATX connector on the backplane connects directly to a
PC-ATX power supply. Note that even small PC power supplies can source
much more current than the H8 requires, which is why fast-acting overcurrent
protection has been included on this board. Step-up/Step-down regulators
are readily available to replace the 7805s on individual boards, but similar
replacements for the +/-12v regulators are much harder to find. Some
modern boards for the H8 have jumpers that allow you to bypass the on-board
regulator and feed the card directly from the H8 bus. This bypass would
let you use the PC-ATX supply to directly provide the +/-12v that some cards
require, or the +5v that all cards use. Be aware that bypassing on-board
regulation may result in digital noise artifacts that interfere with board
operation - YMMV.
Options for connecting any power supply to the new
If you are using the on-board +/-18v rectifier, you must provide the board
with center-tapped 25-30VAC from a transformer. This must be connected to
J102 which can be populated with a Molex KK396 header (polarization not
required), or by soldering directly to the J102 pads if you must.
To provide DC to the board, from any source, you have several choices: