Mo & Terry Smedley


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On Sunday, July 13, we celebrated Mom & Dad's 60th Wedding Anniversary.  Westside and Eastside family contingents merged in Ellensburg.  Pam, Greg, and Sharon Crockett came from Spokane;  Mom, Dad, Steve, Mo, Kathy (McGuire) and I headed over from Seattle.

We first attended a one-hour "Chimposium" at the Chimpanzee and Human Communication Institute on the Central Washington University campus.   At CHCI, we learned about and visited a group of Chimpanzees that has learned many elements of American Sign Language.  There are four Chimps in this group, most of whom were taught ASL during "cross-fostering childhood", in which they were raised as infant human children.  The youngest Chimp (Loulis) learned all of his ASL from his Chimpanzee adoptive mother (Washoe).    This is particularly remarkable - that Washoe would pass along the ASL she learned from humans to her adoptive offspring.  You can learn much more about the Chimps and their language abilities at

After the Chimposium, we gathered at the Yellow Church Cafe for a late lunch, and to celebrate Mom's 79th birthday and their 60th Wedding Anniversary.

Here are a few pictures from the day.

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The Westsiders explored the CWU campus while waiting for the Eastsiders to arrive. We found some interesting objects d'art, this one in need of repair Speaks for itself This memorial is for one of the signing Chimps at CHCI, Moja, who died last year.
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Mom and Dad are signing "Hug Love" Greg appears to be limp-wristed (?), but I believe he is simply demonstrating the pronated wrist that humans are asked to display when visiting as a sign of submission Here's the whole group (minus Mo) after the Chimposium We're all demonstration our pronated wrists
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Lunch at the Yellow Church Cafe Mo and Kathy tried to distance themselves from the Smedleys Steve recalled being sentenced to clean blackboard erasers for grade school misbehavior The Smedleys at the Yellow Church Cafe