A Thanksgiving dessert created by Emerald Heights
culinary staff |
Mo, Kathy, Steve, and Mom take on a game of Rummikube
in the common area. Jacy likes the wide open spaces there. |
Steve is showing off his Rummikube pieces. |
Thanksgiving, Steve, Mo and I took Mom and Dad to the
Zoolights display at Pt. Defiance. We arrived at dusk. |
You should be able to pick out some NW landmarks -
Mt. Rainier, the Narrows bridge |
Over the Rainbow....there's Mt. Rainier |
Moonlight on Commencement Bay |
Steve and Mom |
The "kids" took a ride on the carousel |
The "parents" watched |
Mom treated us to hot chocolate in the cafeteria |
Becky, Wally, and Kathy came to visit us in early
December - on a weekend when there was snowfall in Grays Harbor. |
The snow-covered trees in back of the house highlight
where we removed trees this summer |
The McGuires get together for dinner |
Becky introduces us to the "Wrong Game" |
Becky is setting up a game for us to play while Wally
takes in breakfast. Wally and I were already working on Diet Pepsi
- the breakfast of champions. |
I poked my head out the morning of the windstorm and
saw forest litter everywhere. I don't think the picture really
shows how much junk was blowing about. This area was spotless
after we completed our cleanup from logging. Now it's covered with
branches and needles. |
We had about a dozen trees blow over - this one is
North of the house by the garage. I guess Dad will get some
more logs for his trail maintenance project! |
A few trees snapped off - this one blew over from
Sudderth Road towards the house. |
The wind was still blowing very hard in the morning.
I took this about 10AM and just about half hour later..... |
....one of the trees in the earlier picture had
snapped off about 30 feet up the trunk |
One tree came across and blocked our road.
I got it cleared from the road in the morning. The wind was still
blowing very hard and I just left the branches piled on either side of
the road until it was safe to get the chipper in. While I
was working to clear the road, two more trees came down just to the
right of where this picture is taken. |
This is taken from Karl Rainey's driveway at the
corner mailboxes - you can see the size and quantity of branches that
are scattered everywhere |
Looking down Sudderth Road you can see a couple of
trees blown through the power line on the left. |
I asked Mo to check to see if the line was still hot
before I started cutting the trees out of the road ;-) |
Looking back to the mailboxes along Sudderth Road |
Downed power lines by the mailboxes |
With power out for over a week, the only hot water is
in the bathroom. The generator can run the small point-of-use hot
water heater there. So we're setting up to do dishes in the
bathroom sinks. |